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What sights the future may hold ...

Khaldari InnoTektoniks & Analytical Solutions is a research and development firm that specializes in genetic and cybernetic research as well as interstellar colonization and exploration of wormhole space.


With a team of experienced and highly qualified scientists, we are able to provide innovative solutions that are not only cutting edge, but also reliable and cost effective. 



Our commitment to excellence, combined with our unrivaled expertise, has enabled us to stay ahead of the competition and provide our clients with the highest quality of service. We are proud to be a leader in the research and development industry and look forward to serving our clients for many years to come.

Our mission is to advance the field of cybernetic and human development by developing innovative, safe, and reliable technologies that enhance human capabilities and understanding.


We strive to push the boundaries of human potential by creating implants that seamlessly integrate with the human body and nervous system, providing users with new levels of control, sensory experience, and cognitive enhancement.


We are committed to rigorous research and development practices that prioritize the safety, efficacy, and ethical implications of our technology. We believe in transparency and collaboration, working closely with medical professionals, regulatory bodies, and our users to ensure that our implants meet the highest standards of safety, security, and privacy.



Our vision is a world in which cybernetic implants are widely accessible, affordable, and transformative tools for people of all backgrounds and abilities.



We are dedicated to creating a future in which individuals can realize their full potential, free from the limitations of the human body, and empowered to achieve their goals and aspirations.



To acheive this we design to become the first 'Khaldari' megacorporation outside of the Caldari State where we aim to construct significant holdings in unexplored wormhole systems to develop said technologies and investigate the secrets of the precursor races and secrets that Sleeper technology hold. 

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